Rebounding 4 Kids

Rebounding isn’t just for adults!

Rebounding not only brings the fun back into fitness, but it’s also one of the best, low-impact exercises you can do for super-quick results.
After extensive research, author, lecturer, and the pioneer of rebound exercise, Albert E Carter said, “ Rebounding is the most efficient, effective form of exercise yet devised by man”.

And, there’s a reason why NASA-trained astronauts are put straight onto a 12-week rebounding program after returning from space. Astronauts are at a greater risk of developing osteoporosis as they lose up to 15% of their total muscle mass and bone density in space, thanks to zero gravity. This also accelerates bone loss and generally weakens the body.

In fact, NASA scientists discovered that jumping regularly on a mini trampoline (for just 10 minutes at a time) requires more effort than jogging but with no negative impact on the joints.

It’s fun for the whole family!


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