
Being passionate about my business and having the Courage to Step into my Purpose has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined.
Let me teach you how to Love your Body and yourself, I teach a combination of rebounding and pilates classes that ensures you have loads of fun while getting fitter and falling in love with taking care of your body.
I invite you to explore my classes below and take a chance on creating a new you!
How was Dose of Debbie founded:

There are 2 aspects to the founding of Dose of Debbie.

One is the need to create an income stream after having a mental & physical breakdown about 5 years ago. This was after years of being in the corporate world and being pushed into boxes that were not the right fit. Being a single mom and struggling each and every day to play the role of both parents added to this exhaustion. After my breakdown, the recovery was slow and extremely painful and I am still working on me to this day.

After being forced out of the last corporate place of employment, I worked in various roles whilst trying to find myself again and ignite the passion of what I really wanted to do in my career path.

The memories then came flooding back of my dreams to teach dance and to make a difference in people’s lives through movement and self-expression. I started ballet lessons at the age of 5 and have always done some form of dance or fitness during my life. This was my happy place where the chaos and pain would fall away and I could just be me in my dream world.

I then took the plunge and found the courage to start teaching Pilates & Stretch classes in the Kloof Memorial Park. I chose this venue as it was a beautiful outdoor space, with safe parking and easy for clients to find and it was FREE to use. I taught my first class in January 2019, I was so very nervous but I was determined and it was a success!

As I continued to teach and improve my skills, I found a small studio in Kloof and I have grown slowly since then. I taught classes at Fit24 Gym until the Covid epidemic hit us with a force that crippled small business owners. I was not able to teach for about 5 months! Without the generosity of loyal clients and my church family, I would not have survived but here I am almost 3 years later. Still teaching and I have added Rebounding (mini-trampoline) to my class offerings.

I did my Rebounding Instructors course with Lisa Raleigh in the early part of 2020, in order to qualify as a Certified Rebound Instructor. The final exam was to submit a video of myself teaching a class. I was very anxious to submit my video and it took me a long time to find the courage to do so, I can proudly report that I passed and achieved my certification in July 2020.

The 2nd part of Dose of Debbie was about my gift of being able to inspire and motivate people to find their courage and believe in themselves. My friends would often give me a call and ask to meet for a coffee and a chat … especially when they needed guidance on a life choice they needed to make or just to get a motivational boost of feel-good … this then became … I need a Dose of Debbie!

Debbie and Lisa Raliegh at instructor training

After attending a Global Leadership Summit and reading the book “DESTINY – Step into Your Purpose by T.D. Jakes” I started hearing the call of where I needed to be. The final part of my purpose started to fall into place during my year of preaching at Molweni Presbyterian church once a month. What a beautiful opportunity this was, my self-esteem and faith grew in abundance this year.

I followed the call of God and my ministry of changing people’s lives through my love of dance and movement!
It is never too late to achieve your goals and chase your dreams!
I leave you with the quote from T.D. Jakes: “Stepping into your destiny means fulfilling the role you were created to play in life. You thrive and find the great elixir of contentment when you have the courage to pursue your true purpose.”

Who is Hercules?

Date of Birth: 2nd March 2020
Breed: Yorkie
Description: Silver Grey with upright ears
Before Herci arrived in Durban on the 30th June 2021. He lived in the Alberton area of Joburg at Yorkie Rescue South Africa.
Herci’s previous owner passed away and he was left to fend for himself. He was unwanted and left to his own devices.
I had been wanting to get a companion dog who would go with me to classes and eventually become trained to pick up on clients’ emotions and bring them comfort and joy during classes. I had to find a very special dog with a beautiful soul.
Herci is thriving and a very important part of Dose of Debbie Team. He is ready and waiting to greet each client at the door on arrival at the studio, he then does his rounds once everyone is set up to start class. Once he is sure all is good he will find his way to his little elevated dog bed (that looks like a little rebounder) or his bedroom (his crate) where he has a snooze while class goes on.
Yorkies are highly intelligent, energetic and loving little souls who will change your life for the better in every way! I see this in the smiles, giggles and cuddles all my clients give to Herci… I am thinking that they look forward to seeing Herci in class more than the actual exercise.
Herci has got VIP clearance to attend the classes I teach at The Pavilion Social Gallery, he did not miss a beat going into a strange environment with lots of different people and smells. He enjoyed all the attention and just settled down to business as usual as he knows the routine for classes and just adapts.
ReboundSA awarded as CANSA Smart Choice

15 October 2020 – CANSA announces that ReboundSA products, programs, and courses have been awarded the prestigious CANSA Smart Choice Seal of Approval, for use as part of a balanced lifestyle to lower your risk of cancer. Research shows that an increase in physical activity reduces the risk of developing several types of cancer including breast, bladder colorectal, endometrial (uterine), throat kidney, and stomach.

#LowerCancerRisk #CANSASmart Choice #ReboundSA


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